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Comité Hiquily

When psychiatry meets creation

The Centre d'Etude de l'Expression has been organizing thematic exhibitions for several years, bringing together works from the Sainte-Anne Collection, but also works by contemporary artists and works from private collections.The theme chosen for the exhibition that will be inaugurated on the occasion of the "European Heritage Days" is directly in line with a threefold history: the history of the 1960s at Sainte-Anne Hospital, the history of contemporary art, and the history of research on thought and creative processes.

This exhibition is based on the work and thesis of René Robert, who reports on the experimentation in 1960 of a hallucinogenic substance for artists. One of them, Jean-Jacques Lebel, has made his memories and works available to us. This is how it was possible to gather a set of very essential works related to the experiences of creation under psychodysleptic, namely psilocybin.

This journey into the history of psychiatry and the arcane processes of creation would not have been possible without the documents and works that Liliane Robert had carefully preserved.

Exhibited artists : Jacques Breton, Jean-Martin Charcot, Philippe Hiquily, Pierre-Xavier Laffite, Jean-Jacques lebel, Sam Mandel, Henri Michaux, Frédéric Pardo, Vida Parme, Daniel Pommereulle, Bernard Saby, Nathalie Waag…

Exhibition organized by the Center for the Study of Expression at the Musée Singer-Polignac

from September 19 to November 29, 2015

Wednesday to Sunday from 2 to 7 pm - Free access

Center for the Study of Expression

Mental Illness and Brain Clinic

Sainte-Anne Hospital Center

100, Rue de la Santé , 75674 Paris Cedex 14 Téléphone : 01 45 65 85 41 E-mail :


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